Ümumi baxış
Status: Satışda
Kateqoriya: Villa
İnvestor: New York City ERS
Blokların sayı: 4
Mərtəbə: 2
Mənzillərin sayı: 50
Ətraflı Məlumat

Now Open & Leasing!

Walnut Park is conveniently located on North Lamar Boulevard across from the 293-acre Walnut Creek Metropolitan Park and just south of Yager Lane near numerous shops and restaurants. Only 11 miles from downtown Austin, the heavily-wooded site borders Walnut Creek and offers residents inspiring views in an unparalleled, secluded community. In addition to resort spa amenities, the interiors are built and designed to condominium specifications with energy efficient features, stunning detail and upgraded finishes.






Fitness center

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7 Rəy
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