
3 Beds Villa Calpe, Alicante


8,171 baxış noy 17, 2019

$ 700 000 Satılır

Make Your Property Premium

Make Your Property Premium

Make Your Property Premium

Ümumi baxış
Kateqoriya Villa
Kvadrat 600 m²
Yataq otağının sayı 3
Hamam otağının sayı 3
Mərtəbə 1
Qiymət $ 700 000
Ətraflı Məlumat

This villa is equipped with all conveniences, where everything takes place on one living level. Three spacious bedrooms that all have direct access to the pool terrace and a spacious living room with an American kitchen with cooking island, from where you can walk onto the terrace through large glass sliding doors. Downstairs there is an indoor, double garage and laundry room with an internal staircase to the house. But you can also drive up to the front door by car. The terrace is spacious and there is an extra-long swimming pool, where you can swim laps well. Around there is a landscaped garden, which is also low in maintenance. Instead of gardening, there is more time left for wonderful enjoyment in and around this beautiful villa.




Swimming pool




Fitness center

Air Conditioning

Central Heating

Laundry Room

Pets Allow

Spa & Massage

Obyektlər arasındakı məsafə

Hospital - 1km

Super Market - 13km

School - 6km

Entertainment - 2km

Pharmacy - 20km

Airport - 11km

Railways - 13km

Bus Stop - 5km

Beach - 12km

Mall - 7km

Bank - 12km

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