
Property For sale , Johannesburg, South Africa


1,294 baxış noy 17, 2019

$ 800 000 Satılır

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Make Your Property Premium

Ümumi baxış
Kateqoriya House
Kvadrat 800 m²
Yataq otağının sayı 4
Hamam otağının sayı 4
Mərtəbə 2
Qiymət $ 800 000
Ətraflı Məlumat

Beautiful home situated in road closure in bedfordview. Nestled on a rocky outcrop of enormous boulders, this unique home is an architectural triumph designed to titilate the senses from the very start with a waterfall cascading into heated black quartzite pool & stunning koi-pond. Flavours of the Seychelles. Enter from a winding pathway lined by palms and tree ferns into the hallway. The spacious living room with magnificent wood burning fireplace and large diningroom are complemented by a wet barrel bar, featuring designer built in wine cellar wall.




Swimming pool




Fitness center

Air Conditioning

Central Heating

Laundry Room

Pets Allow

Spa & Massage

Obyektlər arasındakı məsafə

Hospital - 15km

Super Market - 6km

School - 18km

Entertainment - 20km

Pharmacy - 4km

Airport - 15km

Railways - 13km

Bus Stop - 18km

Beach - 19km

Mall - 20km

Bank - 12km

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Agentliklə əlaqə saxlayın

Jena Kiehn



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